59 | Certificate course on Yoga Instructor | 2024-05-30 | IQAC of Dr. B.K.B. College introduced a Certificate course on Yoga Instructor under PMKVY for the session 2023-24. | Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY) | View File |
58 | Certificate course on Gym Assistant | 2024-04-24 | IQAC of Dr. B.K.B. College introduced a Certificate course on Gym Assistant under PMKVY for the session 2023-24. | Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY) | View File |
57 | Certificate Course on Web Developer | 2024-04-30 | IQAC of Dr. B.K.B. College introduced a Certificate course on Web Developer under PMKVY for the session 2023-24. | Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY) | View File |
56 | Report on Pre-Bihu and Pre-Eid Celebration: “Menjangkari” | 2024-04-10 | On 10th April, 2024, the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), in association with the Cultural cell, Women’s Cell and the Students' Union, organized a grand celebration to mark the pre-Bihu and pre-Eid festivities. | Cultural cell, Women’s Cell and the Students' Union, Dr. B.K.B. College, Puranigudam | View File |
55 | National Voter's Day Celebration – 2024 | 2024-01-25 | IQAC of Dr. B.K.B. College in association with Depatment of Political Science organized a special lecture session to mark National Voter's Day on 25th January, 2024. | Depatment of Political Science | View File |
54 | A Talk on "The Constitution of India: Role of Gandhi and Ambedkar" | 2023-12-05 | On 5th December 2023, IQAC of Dr. B.K.B. College in association with Department of Political Science organized a talk on "The Constitution of India: Role of Gandhi and Ambedkar". | Department of Political Science, Dr. B.K.B. College | View File |
53 | Report of Orientation programme On “E-Services available at College” | 2022-10-20 | An orientation programme on "E-Services available at College" was organized by IQAC and the ICT Cell of Dr. B.K.B. College, Puranigudam, aimed at acquainting the first semester students with the various electronic devices. | ICT Cell | View File |
52 | Relief to Flood Victim Families | 2022-05-28 | Report on Relief to Flood Victim Families
Organized by Teaching and Non-teaching staff, Dr. B.K.B. College, Puranigudam
Sponsored by Corpus Fund, Dr. B.K.B. College, Puranigudam
Date: 28/05/2022 | Corpus Fund, Dr. B.K.B. College, Puranigudam | View File |
51 | Report on Relief to Flood Victim Families | 2022-06-26 | Report on Relief to Flood Victim Families
Organized by Teaching and Non-teaching staff, Dr. B.K.B. College, Puranigudam
Sponsored by Corpus Fund, Dr. B.K.B. College, Puranigudam
Date: 28/05/2022 | Corpus Fund, Dr. B.K.B. College, Puranigudam | View File |
50 | ORIENTATION PROGRAMME ON ONLINE EDUCATION SYSTEM | 2021-08-26 | IQAC of Dr. Birinchi Kumar Barooah College, Puranigudam had organized an Orientation Programme on “ONLINE EDUCATION SYSTEM” on 26th August, 2021 through Google Meet platform for the faculties of the college. | S.S. Technologies, Guwahati | View File |
49 | ORIENTATION PROGRAMME ON ONLINE EDUCATION SYSTEM | 2021-10-23 | IQAC of Dr. Birinchi Kumar Baruah College, Puranigudam had organized an Orientation Programme on “ONLINE EDUCATION SYSTEM” on 23rd October, 2021 through Google Meet platform for the faculties of the college. | S.S. Technologies, Guwahati | View File |
48 | WEBINAR ON “STRATEGY FOR CIVIL SERVICE PREPARATION ’’ | 2021-08-05 | Civil Services Achievers Points had organized a Webinar on “Strategy for Civil Services Preparation” in collaboration with Dr. Birinchi Kumar Barooah College, Puranigudam on 5th August, 2021. | Civil Services Achievers Points | View File |
47 | Lecture Programme on “Transformation in Bussiness Education in 21st Century: Trends and Prospects | 2022-02-12 | Dr. Birinchi Kumar Barooah College, Puranigudam, Assam is a part of the Online LECTURE PROGRAMME on “Transformation in Business Education in 21st Century: Trends and Prospects”, which is sponsored By: 15 minit Xikhya. | 15 minit Xikhya | View File |
46 | VIRTUAL POWER SEMINER ON “EMPLOYABILITY SKILL FOR THE FUTURE’’ | 2022-02-12 | Dr. Birinchi Kumar Barooah College, Puranigudam, Assam had organized a virtual Power Seminar on “EMPLOYABILITY SKILL FOR THE FUTURE” in collaboration with ICT Academy and Sky Campus on 12th February, 2022. | ICT Academy | View File |
45 | ORIENTATION PROGRAMME ON “E-FACILITIES AND E-GOVERNACE” | 2022-06-02 | IQAC of Dr. Birinchi Kumar Baruah College, Puranigudam had organized an Orientation Programme on “E- facilities and E- Governance” for the students of the institution on 2th June, 2022. | No | View File |
44 | ORIENTATION PROGRAMME ON “CBCS Curriculum for 5th Semester Students Of Dr. B.K.B. COLLEGE” | 2021-11-03 | IQAC of Dr. B.K.B. College had organized an Orientation Programme on “CBCS Curriculum for 5th Semester Students on 3rd November, 2021. Fourty Five (45) numbers of Students were participated in the Orientation Programme. | No | View File |
43 | ORIENTATION PROGRAMME ON OPEN BOOK EXAMINATION AND RESPONSIBILITIES/ DUITIES OF STUDENTS | 2021-08-08 | The IQAC cell of Dr. B.K.B. College, Puranigudam has conducted an online Orientation Programme an “Open Book Examination and responsibilities/Duties of Students” for the benefit of the students on 8th August, 2021. | No | View File |
42 | ONLINE LECTURE PROGRAMME ON “YOUTH PARTICIPATION IN INDIAN ELECTION’’ | 2022-07-31 | On the Occasion of “55TH FOUNDATION DAY” of Dr. Birinchi Kumar Baruah College, IQAC Cell had organized an ONLINE LECTURE PROGRAMME, on “YOUTH PARTICIPATION IN INDIAN ELECTION’’ on 31th July, 2021. | No | View File |
41 | PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT TRAINING PROGRAMME ON “E-GOVERENCE FOR TEACHING & NON-TEACHING STAFF | 2022-03-24 | IQAC, Dr. Birinchi Kumar Baruah College,Puranigudam had organized a Professional development Training Programme on"E-governance for the Teaching & Non-Teaching Staff of the college on 24th March,2022 in collaboration with S.S. Technologies, Guwahati | S.S. Technologies, Guwahati | View File |
40 | SELF-DEFENCE TRAINING PROGRAMME FOR GIRLS STUDENTS | 2022-01-24 | The IQAC Cell organized a “SELF-DEFENCE TRAINING PROGRAMME’’ in the collaboration with Student’s Union of the Institution and technical support from Nagaon District Karate Association (NDKA) from 24/01/2022 to 29/01/2022. | Student’s Union, Dr. B.K.B. College and Nagaon District Karate Association (NDKA) | View File |
39 | PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME FOR TEACHING STAFF | 2021-12-04 | IQAC of Dr. Birinchi Kumar Baruah College, Puranigudam had organized a Professional development Training Programme for the Teaching Staff of the college on 4th December, 2021 in collaboration with S.S. Technologies, Guwahat | S.S. Technologies, Guwahati | View File |
38 | PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME FOR NON-TEACHING STAFF | 2021-12-04 | IQAC of Dr. Birinchi Kumar Baruah College, Puranigudam had organized a Professional development Training Programme for the Non-Teaching staff of the college on 4th December, 2021 in collaboration with S.S. Technologies, Guwahati. | S.S. Technologies, Guwahati | View File |
37 | PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME FOR NON-TEACHING STAFF OF HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTES | 2021-12-06 | IQAC of Dr. B.K.B. College had organized a two day training programme for the non-teaching staff of higher education institutes on 15th and 16th of June, 2021. | IQAC, Kaliabor College, IQAC, Nowgong Girls’ College and IQAC, ADP College | View File |
36 | PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME FOR FACULTIES OF HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTES | 2021-06-14 | IQAC of Dr. Birinchi Kumar Baruah College, Puranigudam had organized a two day training programme for the faculties of higher education institutes on 14th and 15th of June, 2021. | NA | View File |
35 | Report of Golden Jubilee Celebration of Dr. B.K.B. College, Puranigudam | 2017-10-27 | The year 2017 is the golden jubilee year of Dr. B. K. B. College and the completion of fifty years was celebrated with well-planned cultural and academic programmes involving all stakeholders of the institute. | NA | View File |
34 | Art Competition | 2021-05-06 | The IQAC of Dr. B.K.B. College, Puranigudam has organized an Art Competition on 5th June, 2021 in association with Eco Club of the college on the occasion of World Environment day, 2021 on the theme “Save Environment, Save Future” through online mode | NA | View File |
33 | Lecture Programme on LIC as a Carrier Option | 2016-08-26 | The IQAC Cell organized a lecture programme on LIC as a Carrier Option in association and support from Life Insurance Cooperation (LIC), Nagaon Division of Assam on 26-08-2016 to orient and motivate the students towards LIC as a carrier opportunity. | Life Insurance Cooperation (LIC), Nagaon Division | View File |
32 | LECTURE PROGRAMME ON SELF-EMPLOYMENT WITH INDIGENOUS RESOURCES: A PERSPECTIVE OF RURAL ECONOMY | 2020-02-03 | An offline Lecture Programme was collaboratively organized by IQAC, Dr. B.K.B. Study Centre & Dept. of English of Dr. B.K.B. College on dated 3rd February, 2020. | Dr. B.K.B. Study Centre & Dept. of English | View File |
31 | ANTI RAGGING ORIENTATION CUM AWARENESS PROGRAMME | 2019-08-05 | The Anti-Ragging Cell of Dr. B.K.B. College has organized an orientation cum awareness programme on menace of Ragging and its legal consequences of involvement in such activities on 5th August, 2019. | No | View File |
29 | Awareness Programme on the Prevention and Spread of Noval Corona Virus (Covid-19) | 2020-03-18 | In the recent outbreak of Corona Virus globally and to prevent and secure the local people of the peripheral area of Dr. B.K.B. College, the IQAC Cell has organized an awareness programme on the Prevention and Spread of Noval Corona Virus (Covid-19). | Teachers Unit and NSS unit of Dr. B.K.B. College | View File |
27 | TRAINING CUM ORIENTATION PROGRAMME ON USE OF INTERACTIVE SMART BOARD IN CLASSROOM TEACHING | 2019-02-09 | The IQAC Cell has organized a training cum orientation programme on “Use of Interactive Board in Classroom Teaching” for the faculties of Dr. B.K.B. College in technical support from Vision Enterprise, Guwahati, Assam on 9th February, 2019. | No | View File |
26 | FOOD AND ESSENTIAL ITEMS DISTRIBUTION | 2020-04-09 | The college family is pleased to help 50 (fifty) poor families of 12 (twelve) villages of Parkup Pahar, East karbi Anglong through IQAC Cell and sponsored by Corpus Fund have provided each of the families a packet of food and essential items. | No | View File |
25 | Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on Use of ICT Tools for Classroom Teaching | 2018-11-12 | A one week long Faculty Development Programme on “Use of ICT Tools for Classroom Teaching” was organized by Dr. B.K.B.College in collaboration with Electronics and ICT Academy, IIT, Guwahati from 12th November to 18th November 2018 at the college. | Electronics and ICT Academy, IIT, Guwahati | View File |
24 | Training cum Workshop on Introduction of CBCS Curriculum in the Under-Graduate Programmes | 2019-06-01 | On the 1st of June 2019, the IQAC of Dr. B. K.B College, organised a one day long training cum Workshop on “Introduction of CBCS Curriculum in the Under-Graduate Programmes”. The programme was attended by all teaching and non-teaching staff. | No | View File |
23 | Awareness cum Orientation Programme on Use of EVM and VVPAT: Role of the Voters | 2019-03-06 | On the 6th of March 2019, the IQAC of Dr. B. K.B College, organized a one day long Awareness cum Orientation Programme on “Use of EVM and VVPAT: Role of the Voters” and explain in details the use of EVM and VVPAT among the students. | No | View File |
22 | CELEBRATION RABHA DIVASH | 2019-06-20 | The IQAC Cell has celebrated the Rabha Divash to honour the well-known Kalaguru Bishnu Prashad Rabha, a prominent dramatist, poet, dancer and actor of Assam, at the college premises on 20th June, 2019. | No | View File |
21 | PARENT TEACHER MEET | 2019-04-09 | The IQAC Cell of Dr. B.K.B. College, Puranigudam has organized a Parent Teacher Meet on 9th April, 2019. | No | View File |
20 | Quiz Competition | 2018-09-08 | The IQAC Cell has organized a Quiz Competition on Swadesh Adhyayan (on History and Geography of Assam) to prepare the students for future competitive examinations on 8th September, 2018. | No | View File |
19 | CELEBRATION OF FOUNDATION DAY, 2020 | 2020-08-31 | The foundation day of Dr. B.K.B. College is observed maintaining the Covid-19 protocol on 31st July, 2020. | No | View File |
18 | REPORT ON FLOOD RELIEF DISTRIBUTION | 2017-08-18 | The IQAC Cell has distributed Flood Reliefs on 18th August, 2017 among the flood affected people, who have stayed at two flood relief camps under Kaliabor Revenue Circle and Samaguri Revenue Circle area. | Sponsored by Corpus Fund, Dr. B.K.B. College | View File |
15 | 3 DAYS THEATRE IN EDUCATION WORKSHOP ON ACTING FOR CREATIVITY | 2019-02-24 | The IQAC Cell and Department of Performing Arts have organized a 3 days Theatre in Education Workshop on “Acting for Creativity” in collaboration with National School of Drama from 24th February, 2019 to 26th February, 2019. | National School of Drama | View File |
14 | STREET PLAY ON ROAD SAFETY | 2019-02-05 | The IQAC Cell has organized a street play on “Road Safety” at the college premises on 5th February, 2019 on the occasion of 30th Road Safety Week, 2019. | District Transport Office, Nagaon and Assam Police, Nagaon | View File |
13 | AWARENESS PROGRAMME ON ROAD SAFETY | 2019-02-05 | The IQAC Cell has organized an awareness programme on “Road Safety” in association with District Transport Office, Nagaon and Assam Police, Nagaon at the college premises on 5th February, 2019. | District Transport Office, Nagaon and Assam Police, Nagaon | View File |
12 | MOTIVATIONAL CAMP ON GLOBAL SETTING | 2019-02-20 | The IQAC Cell has organized a motivational Camp on “Global Setting” in collaboration with Kaziranga University, Assam on 20th February, 2019. | Kaziranga University, Assam | View File |
11 | AWARENESS PROGRAMME ON SKILL DEVELOPMENT | 2019-02-20 | The IQAC Cell has organized an awareness programme on Skill Development in collaboration with ICICI Academy for Skills, Guwahati, Assam on 20th February, 2019. | ICICI Academy for Skills, Guwahati, Assam | View File |
10 | AWARENESS PROGRAMME ON POPULARIZATION OF ROOF TOP SOLAR PROJECT | 2020-03-07 | The IQAC Cell of Dr. B.K.B. College has organized an awareness programme on “Popularization of Roof Top Solar Project” in collaboration with Assam Energy Development Agency (AEDA) and Bapuji Hall and Library, Puranigudam. | Assam Energy Development Agency (AEDA) and Bapuji Hall and Library, Puranigudam. | View File |
9 | Plantation Drive on the Occasion of World Environment Day, 5th June 2021 | 2021-06-05 | On the occasion of World Environment Day a plantation drive is carried out by the IQAC, Dr. B.K.B. College on 5th June, 2021 in association with Eco Club and Student Union of the college. | Eco Club and Student Union of Dr. B.K.B. College | View File |
8 | Orientation Programme on “Open Book Examination and Responsibilities/Duties of Students” | 2021-05-30 | IQAC has organized orientation programmes on “Open Book Examination and Responsibilities/Duties of Students” on 30th May, 2021 and 31st May, 2021 to introduce them to a new online examination system. | No | View File |
7 | PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME FOR NON-TEACHING STAFF OF HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTES | 2021-06-15 | IQAC of Dr. B.K.B. College had organized a two day training programme for the non-teaching staff of higher education institutes on 15th and 16th of June, 2021. | IQAC, Kaliabor College, IQAC, Nowgong Girls’ College and IQAC, ADP College | View File |
5 | PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME FOR FACULTIES OF HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTES | 2021-06-14 | IQAC of Dr. Birinchi Kumar Baruah College, Puranigudam had organized a two day training programme for the faculties of higher education institutes on 14th and 15th of June, 2021. | No | View File |